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About Fever Foundation

We are an independent non-commercial foundation dedicated to supporting educational and academic endeavors aimed at addressing the unmet needs in fever management. Our commitment lies in conceptualizing, establishing, and sustaining programs and scientific initiatives that offer evidence-based updates to healthcare professionals.

Our mission is to bridge gaps and deliver valuable insights into research, education and therapy updates on fever management.

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Essential Fever Management Tips: What to Do and What to Avoid During High Temperatures

Recent Blogs

Essential Fever Management Tips: What to Do and What to Avoid During High Temperatures

16 November 2023

Fever is a common symptom that accompanies various illnesses, especially in children. While it's usually a sign that the body is fighting an infection, effective fever management is essential for comfort and recovery..

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When to Consult a Doctor: Key Indicators for Your Child

Recent Blogs

When to Consult a Doctor: Key Indicators for Your Child's Health

10 November 2023

As parents, worrying about our children's health is only natural. While minor illnesses are a standard part of childhood, some sure signs and symptoms should prompt us to seek medical advice..

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Understanding Fever: A Guide to Normal Body Temperature, Infections, and Temperature Measurement in Children

Recent Blogs

Understanding Fever: A Guide to Normal Body Temperature, Infections, and Temperature Measurement in Children

01 November 2023

Fever is the body's natural response to infections and other illnesses, often serving as a sign that the immune system is actively working to combat the invaders..

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